I'm building a swim platform for my MKI dooes any one know the angle of the transom. I lost the meassurment I took before putting her on the hard.
Capt Chuck & Linda Reed
Silent Dream 1983 # 91
I'm building a swim platform for my MKI dooes any one know the angle of the transom. I lost the meassurment I took before putting her on the hard.
Capt Chuck & Linda Reed
Silent Dream 1983 # 91
Copyright © 2025, Catalina 36/375 International Association
Theme by Zymphonies
My hull # 255 is right around 70 degrees from horizontal, 'course how your boat is sitting will affect that.
- nick
Nick Tonkin
*Former* Website Administrator, C36/375IA
*Former* owner, C36 tr/fk #255, Santa Barbara, CA
Chuck, if you find our July 2009 JibSheet, accessible from the JibSheet tab on the C36IA home page, you'll find an article on fabricating swim platforms on the Mk I. It has dimensions in it.
Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B
Thanks to both of you for the reply, I will check out the Jib Sheet. I have everything I need, just needed that last messurment which I'm thinking is the 17 degrees
Capt Chuck & Linda Reed
Silent Dream 1983 # 91
[QUOTE=CLR1294;10772]I'm building a swim platform for my MKI dooes any one know the angle of the transom. I lost the meassurment I took before putting her on the hard.[/QUOTE]
Chuck - Did you ever complete the swim platform, and if so, could you share pictures of it? (We're contemplating a similar project).
Matthew Chachère
s/v ¡Que Chévere!
(Formerly 1985 C36 MKI #466 tall rig fin keel M25)
2006 Catalina Morgan 440 #30.
Homeported in eastern Long Island, NY
I had a platform built to my specs by an outfit in Ontario called Stainless Outfitters (they shipped to New York at minimal cost). I'm posting some pictures. Its a very nice addition to our boat, kind of adds a "back porch" that is nice to hang out on and makes dingy access and swimming access much easier. There is a telescoping ladder that slides under the platform, which is another nice feature as it can be accessed by a POB.
Matthew Chachère
s/v ¡Que Chévere!
(Formerly 1985 C36 MKI #466 tall rig fin keel M25)
2006 Catalina Morgan 440 #30.
Homeported in eastern Long Island, NY
Here are two more photos (seems that we can only do 2 at a time on the revised site, rather than 4)
Matthew Chachère
s/v ¡Que Chévere!
(Formerly 1985 C36 MKI #466 tall rig fin keel M25)
2006 Catalina Morgan 440 #30.
Homeported in eastern Long Island, NY
Chachere, I am planning to do the same thing, really like your platform. I have a few questions:
Ludovic François
Hotel Catalina - Catalina 36 Hull #883
Marina Del Rey, CA
1. This is one of those rare projects where my answer is "no" -- its fine.
2. No. I've been out in some significant following seas, no problems. I make sure to put an old sail tie around the telescoping ladder so that it doesn't slide out in rough seas.
3. I was able to install while the boat was in the water, at a floating dock that provided me with good access to the stern.
4. I believe there are 4 steps (not on the boat at the moment), and its easy to get out of the water. Each rung has a starboard tread on it, so its easy on bare feet.
5. The price in 2014 for the platform with integeral telescoping ladder was $1695.00, plus shipping.
I know the fabricator (Stainless Outfitters) is still in business, since their advert appears in the latest issue of "Good Old Boat" with a picture of my installation! Hopefully they still have the plans/measurements from my job. I dealt with someone named "John" at sales@stainlessoutfitters.com.
Matthew Chachère
s/v ¡Que Chévere!
(Formerly 1985 C36 MKI #466 tall rig fin keel M25)
2006 Catalina Morgan 440 #30.
Homeported in eastern Long Island, NY
Attached is a picture of the swim platform I had fabricated by Stainless Outfitters in 2011. Also note the davits they fabricated for me.
Tom & Janis Grover
C36 #0949
Midland, ON
Those look really nice, my parents are pushing for us to add some sort of a swimstep. Do you remember how much these cost?
Alex & Caitlin
S/V Windswept
Vancouver, BC
1985 C-36
the price was around 1300.00 CAD...I think. Seemed a bit high, but it was a custom install as mine was the first C36 they did in this fashion. Check their web site for contact info www.stainlessoutfitters.com . Tell them you want a price on the swim platform they did for Tom Grover's C36. They know me well as I have all of my stainless work done by them as they are close to me.
Tom & Janis Grover
C36 #0949
Midland, ON