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Bex's picture
Joined: 10/25/09
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It would be so nice if we had a facebook page???? It would be fun to chat and comment on photos etc. : )

Dave and Becky Elmore
S/V Tranquility #1704 1998 Catalina 36 MKII
Port Orchard, WA

LCBrandt's picture
Joined: 6/26/07
Posts: 1282

Sandy, your posting reminds me that it's probably about time to move the 2010 Photos to our home page, replacing 2009 along the right edge. I've thrown a half-dozen fun pics on the 2010 file to give it some 'critical mass' to start the year's collection, but it could use some more shots there. (Anyone??) Alas, that great shot of you and your new Christmas spinnaker - does that guy know how to reach a woman's heart, or what? - has been bumped down to the bottom of 2010.

I recently discovered that any website visitor can see the photos in a standard size, but only those who are C36IA Members (capital M) have the option to view the photos in 'original size.' Sometimes that makes all the difference, as C36IA visitors are missing the full regal glory of the M/V Phecal Phreak in 2010 Photos. One more reason to join our organization.

Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B

stu jackson c34's picture
stu jackson c34
Joined: 12/3/08
Posts: 1270

That would be horribly counterproductive to the community that already exists: This very Forum.

It's search-able and maintains important material for future reference for us all.

Stu Jackson, C34IA Secretary, C34 #224, 1986, SR/FK, M25 engine, Rocna 10 (22#)

bcam's picture
Joined: 6/29/07
Posts: 77

[QUOTE=stu jackson c34;4063]That would be horribly counterproductive to the community that already exists: This very Forum.

It's search-able and maintains important material for future reference for us all.[/QUOTE]

+1 on that comment. A lot of us don't have an interest in Facebook and would miss your input, if it was there instead of here.

Bruce Campbell
Evergreen Dreams #1409

mutualfun's picture
Joined: 6/25/07
Posts: 454

Ah to me that is a tuff one to agree with. I find that I have gotten more questions answered from a group that I am on called SeaKnots. It is a very well policed group and it is all sailors. But it is not just about Catalina's. I am finding I am spending more time there then here.

Randy Sherwood
Mutualfun 1990 # 1057
T/R W/K M35a
Home. Charlotte, Mi.
Boat. St Augustine,Fl.

LCBrandt's picture
Joined: 6/26/07
Posts: 1282

Social networking sites - Facebook, Twitter, and others - are a bit beyond me, I have to confess. My interest tends to be max'ed out with LinkedIn, something that I have participated in, reluctantly. LinkedIn seems to be basically an online resume. I don't see much value in it beyond that, and I try to avoid clicking on LinkedIn because I perceive it to be a time suck.

The challenge of Facebook and others is two-fold, IMHO.

First, it's a new format, and its value as a communication platform isn't apparent to everyone. Some of us (me, certainly) have a large Luddite component in our makeup. With a lot of work, I have finally arrived at a grasp of the C36IA format that we have now. Finally, I am comfortable gathering, editing and posting articles, writing for JibSheet, and helping to moderate this Forum. As to the latter, you don't see it, but I occasionally dump spam and other postings that are misuses of our Forum, sometimes join two similar threads for topical synergy, and sometimes (as in my blatant Cats on Boats thread) just launch a new thread to see who might pop up with a fresh thought...just trying to keep this site interesting.

The second problem I see has to do with the investment we have on this site. All of the articles we have in our fantastic Technical Upgrades and Maintenance libraries have tangible value to our Members, and perhaps a social networking site would compete with that, drawing attention and, indeed, revenue from the C36IA. As all non-profits, we still need revenue to survive. We are all so highly paid, you see. (Ha!)

Those are my two main objections, but I have another hang-up, and that is I don't like to sign in to things on the internet. I have often been directed to and clicked on friend's or family's Facebook pages only to be faced with a sign-in page. I have so far refused to do that, as I suspect it may just be another source of spam or other annoyance. I may be wrong on this, but I never go past those awkward sign-in pages. One more password that I don't have to remember.

Then again, maybe I simply don't understand how a social networking site would work together with what we have now. I may be missing something key, but I welcome enlightenment on this, so please help me out.

Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B

LCBrandt's picture
Joined: 6/26/07
Posts: 1282

Reading again Sandy's comments in her originating post on this thread, I seemed to faintly recall the possibility that comments might be made in our photo archives. I then went into our 2010 Photo file and (if I read the instructions correctly) changed the default from No Comments to Read/Write Comments. This change is experimental, and if I did it correctly, applies to all of our presently-posted 2010 photos.

I would be grateful if someone could check that this has been implemented. Try posting a comment or two, as a test, to see if we have comments properly invoked.

I doubt if we would invoke commenting on 2009 and earlier photos, as - so far as I can figure out - each photo must be changed individually...that's a lot of work.

Let me know how this works.

Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B

ProfDruhot's picture
Joined: 2/8/09
Posts: 354

You know, I like our web site just the way it is. I honestly don't see a good reason to water down our posts, ergo our web site

Glenn Druhot
Carpe Diem
New Bern, NC
35* 6' 10" N / 77* 2' 30" W
2001 C36, Hull #1965
Std Rig; Wing Keel; M35B

stu jackson c34's picture
stu jackson c34
Joined: 12/3/08
Posts: 1270

My only point was that we already HAVE a Catalina 36 website. This one!:)

So, if I wanna go "boating" I come here. The logistics of Facebook, for distributing information is then completely inverted. It's like going back to an email List, which, BTW, you C36 folks also have. Why dilute the information by having to look in different places. I know, I know, you can get everyone together by "programming" and making friends, etc. Isn't that extra "work?"

One of the decisions we C34 guys made was to discontinue our List when the Forum software became available. We actually got a lot of flack for it when we started it, and some really good folks dropped out (this was in 2000 or 2001) because they didn't have "access" to long term stay online internet service at the time - remember dial up? However, once folks got used to it, is become a real hit, because EVERYTHING folks write is ALL THERE, and search-able.

BTW, that's why so many of my "contributions" here and elsewhere include links to other previously written material. Why type it all out again?

I recall a recent post here about access to the "old" C36, Forum, and, Larry, I sure hope you're workin' on getting easy access to that material again, because there were some fabulous subjects. Subjects that keep recurring, because as new skippers buy boats (some boats have now had more than only one or two owners, ya know!) are easily researched.

We took it one step further, and moved all of our "historical" and "static" material that used to require a webmaster to edit in html onto a new WIKI format, like Wikipedia, where one can add, edit and generally maintain great information, much like you have on your main page. See: [url]http://www.c34.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page[/url] We also have easy to add photos on our Forum/Message Board.

If I want to "go boating" I go to a boat or a marine store or a boat website, not to a "meet and greet" website or a chat room.

I've been "exposed" by Maine Sail and others to a number of other websites: the sailboatowners.com, sailnet.com and ybw.com (a U.K. boating 'site). The tab feature of Firefox makes "cruising around" a handful of different boating websites so easy. Why would I want to add yet another?

Sorry for being so opinionated, but I've seen what works and what doesn't and just caution you to carefully consider the pros and cons of diluting the message. Very, very carefully. Thanks for listening. I love it here, too.

Stu Jackson, C34IA Secretary, C34 #224, 1986, SR/FK, M25 engine, Rocna 10 (22#)

deising's picture
Joined: 11/3/08
Posts: 1351

I, too, am wary of the social networking web apps mainly due to the "time suck" problem as Larry eloquently phrases it. I have fought against this same thing on some business-related sites; in an effort to give everyone many different options, they disburse the valuable information over multiple sites and no one gets the whole picture.

I believe this forum works well and should be the one place to go for us C36/C375ers.

JMHO. Cheers!

Duane Ising - Past Commodore (2011-2012)
s/v Diva Di
1999 Catalina 36 Hull #1777
Std rig; wing keel, M35B, Delta (45#)
Punta Gorda, FL

Joined: 9/4/09
Posts: 1127

I have made a big chunk of my living in the last 20 years from Information Technology and software development, but I just don't get social networking either. I tried it and really found little of value to me, just a drag on my already tight available time. I understand some folks find value in it, but for hard nuts information about our boats, this works better. Plus there is a nice social component here as well.

deising's picture
Joined: 11/3/08
Posts: 1351

I am taking a brief break at work, which prompts me to another thought.

We have a number of 20/30-somethings employed here who live with their mobile phones (at least as I can observe here at work). Any second they are not "required" to be working, they are texting and viewing/sharing something with somebody. They are not learning more about their jobs to enhance their value as employees, or making the work environment more pleasant to be in. They are in their own world. I am not referring to the occasional work break. I am referring to any minute they are not answering the phone, for example.

They know they are not supposed to be doing that, for whenever management walks nearby they hide the phones. I see things like Twitter as a good way to make people permanently distracted from things like work, school, and family, to name a few.

It is like the Internet in that it can be good in many ways (at least for some people), but in excess it can be very bad. Again, JMHO.

Now back to work for me.

Duane Ising - Past Commodore (2011-2012)
s/v Diva Di
1999 Catalina 36 Hull #1777
Std rig; wing keel, M35B, Delta (45#)
Punta Gorda, FL

Joined: 9/27/09
Posts: 591

I'm not for the "FaceBook " option either. I've been reading a number of articles recently about the fact that those sites are the new targets of pfishers and I have no desire to expose any more of my personal information than is necesary to the outside world.

Chuck Parker
HelenRita 2072 Mk II
2002 Tall Rig - Winged Keel
Atlantic Highlands, NJ

stu jackson c34's picture
stu jackson c34
Joined: 12/3/08
Posts: 1270

Good point, Chuck, there's that, too.

But I think perhaps, after all my blathering, that the OP was aksing about how to make it easy to post photos on this forum. Ours makes it easy after you resize the flix down below 75KB, which is easy to do with image resizer on a PC or other stuff on a Mac.

Stu Jackson, C34IA Secretary, C34 #224, 1986, SR/FK, M25 engine, Rocna 10 (22#)

LCBrandt's picture
Joined: 6/26/07
Posts: 1282

It's not difficult to post photos on the 2010 page, but I don't exactly recall the process. In my new Mk II Tech Editor job I see a different set of menu 'permissions' on my pages than I used to see, and for the life of me I can't now remember back to how I used to post photos. Everyone, at least any Member (capital M), has direct access to posting photos. I know, because I used to do it.

With modern cameras having 10 megapixel resolution or more, it is easy to overload the site's photo capability by trying to upload a 1mb or larger jpeg file. With Photoshop or other photo manipulation program, you can downsize your photos to, say, 300kb, which will be about right. A 300kb jpeg gives a great compromise of size and resolution, and doesn't demand a large amount of server memory.

If you have a good photo that you would like to add to our 2010 collection, but are having difficulty getting it to upload, then you can email it directly to me. Send it in full resolution (1 or even 2mb is OK), and I will Photoshop it to the right format and post it for you. Don't hesitate to ask. I may not be prompt, but I am willing to help.

Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B

stu jackson c34's picture
stu jackson c34
Joined: 12/3/08
Posts: 1270

Larry, I think she meant right here on this forum, like this: [url]http://c34.org/bbs/index.php/topic,4921.0.html[/url]

Stu Jackson, C34IA Secretary, C34 #224, 1986, SR/FK, M25 engine, Rocna 10 (22#)

deising's picture
Joined: 11/3/08
Posts: 1351

Well, Bex. It appears we have done a good job of scaring you off, which was NOT our intention. Please report back in.

You know about asking sailors for opinions....

Duane Ising - Past Commodore (2011-2012)
s/v Diva Di
1999 Catalina 36 Hull #1777
Std rig; wing keel, M35B, Delta (45#)
Punta Gorda, FL

akorinek's picture
Joined: 9/21/09
Posts: 86

As I read it, I think the OP's intent was to link up with other Catalina 36 owners in a social networking type of setting less to discuss technical issues thereby circumventing the association, and more to connect with owners in a "here's what I'm up to" or "here are some of the pictures from our recent sailing trip" kind of way. I don't want to come across as too strong an advocate becuase I agree with the argument that this is simply a mildly constructive way to waste some time, but I think the Original Poster could use someone in their corner so here you go:

It is apparent there is a strong generational divide when it comes to social networking, and I can see both sides of the debate. For me, it was a question of practicality. I set up an account during my last Iraq deployment to cut down on time spent online. Rather than sending all of my family and friends emails and updates, I was able to update my single account when able, and they all had instant access to the changes.

Even though I am stateside again, I am still pretty far from home so I have continued to update it to keep in touch. Most of the updates I make don't warrant posting in this forum or to the association because they seem too insignificant, but for those bored enough to check it out there might just be something interesting enough to raise an eyebrow, and I think that's the point of this social networking trend.

Now I admit, I am not the most ardent user of Facebook, but through that webpage I have gotten to know most of the crew from Disney's Morning Light Project which I thought was pretty cool. So there are some interesting things to be had if you look. With that, I would be thrilled to connect with anyone on this forum so feel free, if you have an account to add me to your friends list!


1987 Catalina 36 MKI
Tampa Bay, FL

deising's picture
Joined: 11/3/08
Posts: 1351

Thanks for your service to the country, Tobaygo, and for a thoughtful post.

[As an aside, I will say that FaceBook and MySpace have improved our company's hiring process tremendously. We tend to hire at the lower end of the wage scale, and can eliminate quite a high percentage of applicants by the kinds of things they post on their social networking sites. It amazes me what information and photos people are willing to share with the world.]

Duane Ising - Past Commodore (2011-2012)
s/v Diva Di
1999 Catalina 36 Hull #1777
Std rig; wing keel, M35B, Delta (45#)
Punta Gorda, FL

chooch's picture
Joined: 6/25/07
Posts: 52

Just my 2c's.
Agree with Stu that the C36IA Forums should remain as are. Remember, a few years back, the List became the hot number during our website migration. At the time, getting a new forum going on our new (now current) website was a reach too far and the List replaced the old website forum that died a slow death. I found the List an anoying replacement, filling up the mailbox I made for it and not being able to use a search feature. Although it provided instant gratification to the questioner, question redundancy was an ongoing problem. The return of a viable forum has brought me back online (shame to have lost the contents of the old forum).

With regard to the "new" social networking world, I remain a reluctant dinosaur who started programming in the 1960's using the trusty key-punch machines and card readers. Currently, Navy Recruiting is pursuing social networking to reach today's potential candidates and the schoolhouse is tasked with developing the curricula. Fortunately, I have 40-something youngsters doing the subject matter development so this 60-something geezer doesn't have to learn the details. I've got enough trouble learning Adobe's eLearning Suite to develop our SCORM conformant online courseware. (Life was simpler when RAM was measured in KB and you "talked" to the CPU in Fortran IV via punch card readers).

[U]Bottom Line[/U]. If members want to communicate via social networking, sharing thoughts and ideas or whatever, that's fine too. But we should keep the forum as the C36IA central repository of mediated discussion and advice. It's permanent (as long as the site lives), searchable, and self-refereed.

Extreme example: If one was to post a thread stating that flushing out the crankcase with gasoline was the best way to clean out sludge, there would be a quick dozen or so responses from experienced, recognized posters condemning that practice until said post could be sanitized. Bogus information has a short lifespan on a C36IA forum.

I'm not sure how that would work in the social networking world. You would have to know and trust the source of information at face value.

Personally, I'd rather trust my mates at C36IA.

Fair Winds,

Glenn "Chooch" Jewell
Nautae Luna 1232 (RIP Tara 389 Hurricane Sally 2020)

Bex's picture
Joined: 10/25/09
Posts: 7

Ok, I am learning how this works now : )

Dave and Becky Elmore
S/V Tranquility #1704 1998 Catalina 36 MKII
Port Orchard, WA

LCBrandt's picture
Joined: 6/26/07
Posts: 1282

Sandy, why don't you give us some guidance here?

What do you see as the advantages of having a C36IA Facebook presence? How would it work? Describe it, starting with a definition of just what Facebook is. Address our security worries. Go ahead and argue your case in this Forum, but using simple language that would be comprehensible by those of us (me, particularly) who have a fair bit of Luddite in our veins.

And if it's a good idea that would benefit our organization, how would you like to be the point person to bring it into being? (Disclosure...I don't have any authority to offer...just asking.)

Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B

Bex's picture
Joined: 10/25/09
Posts: 7

No you didn't scare me off, I'm just learning how this forum works for chatting, I see now how it works by getting all the feed back I got, so thanks and happy sailing! Had a beautiful day yesterday and got some fun sailing in the Pacific NW, lots of sun and perfect winds : )

Dave and Becky Elmore
S/V Tranquility #1704 1998 Catalina 36 MKII
Port Orchard, WA

LCBrandt's picture
Joined: 6/26/07
Posts: 1282

Wait a minute! You just used three phrases in the same sentence that I have never seen juxtaposed before..."Pacific NW," "lots of sun," and "perfect winds."

Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B

deising's picture
Joined: 11/3/08
Posts: 1351


Larry is calling you Sandy so he must have some inside info as a Pacific NW guy.

Glad we didn't scare you off. Sometimes this becomes a bit chat-like, but its greatest value is as a searchable archive of (mostly) topic-specific info.

We are having a weekend regatta with gorgeous sunshine and air temps in the mid 60s. Alas, the wind is quite light, and I am committed to boat and other chores this weekend. Been letting them go way too long.

Cheers, all!

Duane Ising - Past Commodore (2011-2012)
s/v Diva Di
1999 Catalina 36 Hull #1777
Std rig; wing keel, M35B, Delta (45#)
Punta Gorda, FL

LCBrandt's picture
Joined: 6/26/07
Posts: 1282

Yes, I have a little inside info. That's Sandy's boat that's featured on the last page, the Stern Chaser shot, of the latest JibSheet.

Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B

Phil L's picture
Phil L
Joined: 1/15/08
Posts: 104

There is a "Catalina Yacht Owners" facebook page. I joined it, but honestly, I think I've gone to that page once, and nothing is ever posted on it.

Phil L 
Southern Cross
Channel Islands, CA
C36MKI #400

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