Water Tanks on 36 MK 2

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richie30's picture
Joined: 12/12/07
Posts: 166
Water Tanks on 36 MK 2

I am thinking about we plumbing the water tank valves.
Mine are original, (1998) three of them and really hard to turn on or off.

I have also thought about putting the two aft tanks on one switch. Would that make sense?





Richard & Joan Bain
PAZZO Hull#1670
1997 Catalina 36 MK11
Bayfield, Ontario

My Day Job Below

Sojourn's picture
Joined: 7/14/08
Posts: 171

Hi Rich,

Each tank should be on it's own valve.  As the valves are bunched together they won't help with line leakage, but will help with weight distribution.  Water weighs 8.35 lb per gallon.  If your boat list slightly to the starboard with the tanks full, I'd drain the starboard tank first.  If not, the forward tank is like having a football linebacker standing on the foredeck.  Drain that one first, then the starboard second and finally the aft center tank.   That's my take. Of course, you're probably not racing so these small weight differences don't really matter.

Lou Bruska
C36 MK 1, Hull #495

Lou Bruska
1985 C-36 Mk-I TR #495
Eldean Shipyard
Lake Macatawa (Holland, MI) Lake Michigan

Sojourn's picture
Joined: 7/14/08
Posts: 171

Hi Rich,

Each tank should be on it's own valve.  As the valves are bunched together they won't help with line leakage, but will help with weight distribution.  Water weighs 8.35 lb per gallon.  If your boat list slightly to the starboard with the tanks full, I'd drain the starboard tank first.  If not, the forward tank is like having a football linebacker standing on the foredeck.  Drain that one first, then the starboard second and finally the aft center tank.   That's my take. Of course, you're probably not racing so these small weight differences don't really matter.

Lou Bruska
C36 MK 1, Hull #495

Lou Bruska
1985 C-36 Mk-I TR #495
Eldean Shipyard
Lake Macatawa (Holland, MI) Lake Michigan

Sojourn's picture
Joined: 7/14/08
Posts: 171

Hi Rich,

On my first post, I forgot to mention the most important reason for have each tank on its own valve.  If one of the combined tanks leak, in effect, they both leak.


Lou Bruska
1985 C-36 Mk-I TR #495
Eldean Shipyard
Lake Macatawa (Holland, MI) Lake Michigan

Joined: 9/27/09
Posts: 591

I replaced the valves on my 2002 C36 but found it a pain in the neck to have to open up the sette cushion/hatch cover every time. On my boat (at least)) I had a fire extinguisher in a cut-out under the stove. I moved that to the starboard side and put a 3 valve distribution bar in the cut-out. Much handier.

Someone on the site did this years ago and there should be more details in the tech library... that's where I got the idea from.


Chuck Parker
HelenRita 2072 Mk II
2002 Tall Rig - Winged Keel
Atlantic Highlands, NJ

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