Isn't that something that comes out during sex? :p Who picked out these names:confused:. I am a Captain or a member, not a seaman! :rolleyes:
Hull No. 2058
Copyright © 2025, Catalina 36/375 International Association
Theme by Zymphonies
Keep your member out of this, I would just as soon be called a seaman as member.
Cepheus dream
C36 MK I # 825
MK I Tech Editor No Mas
Jimmy, write enough repuatable posts and you can get promoted from a baby maker to something higher :)
Allan Rex
# 2216
When I retired from the USAF after a four-year career I was only an E-4. Back before rank inflation, that meant three stripes. Today, youngsters in the USAF get one stripe just by showing up at the recruiting office.
I am not so proud that I cannot start this new phase of my IC36A career as a humble Seaman. Calling a person a seaman used to be very high praise indeed. So what if I was an admiral before; surely it is some accomplishment to have been busted from that altitude back down to where I want to be: at sea level, looking out from the cockpit of my Catalina 36.
Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B
Well put Larry
Allan Rex
# 2216
If I can expand a little on an earlier post (read: attempt at humor); I propose the following:
Bilge Rat (or Turd): 1 to 500 Posts
Cabin Boy: 501 to 2500 Posts
Deck Ape (or Swabby): 2501 to 5000 Posts
Naviguesser: 5001 to 10,000 Posts
Chief Cook (or rating of your choice) : 10,000+ Posts
Given this scenario, only a very few of us will ever achieve the lofty rank of Cabin Boy, and personally, that’s fine with me. Rankings and titles always seem to convey little information about the qualities of the person holding them.
At risk of taking this stuff too seriously (and by no means an I inferring that others are doing so), may I suggest that we are, by and large, present or future owners of Catalina sail boats so you can call me an “owner”…or just about anything else you like. I (like probably most of the rest of us) have more important things to be concerned with - like spending more time on my boat!
“Solla Sollew” #1473
Marc & Susan Garcia
"Solla Sollew" #1473, Mk.II
San Buenaventura, Ca.
I dont think the SQUIDS (Navy) would enjoy that staement :D
Jeff Costa
S/V KAIROS Hull #0235
Now they are calling me petty: trivial or isignificant, naarrow-minded; selfish. I try to hide these traits on the board but, I guess it still comes through, at least I am an officer.
Cepheus dream
C36 MK I # 825
MK I Tech Editor No Mas
[QUOTE=Steve Frost;365]Now they are calling me petty: trivial or isignificant, naarrow-minded; selfish. I try to hide these traits on the board but, I guess it still comes through, at least I am an officer.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but does that make you petty? [url][/url]
Gene Foraker
Sandusky Yacht Club
Sandusky, OH
1999 C36 #1786
Gypsy Wagon