In 15 knot winds and 3-5 foot seas my Mark I will motor directly upwind at 2.5-3 kts. I have the 25xp 23 hp motor. What kind of speed does the Mark II get under those conditions?
Ed S.
1988 mk I, # 845
Ventura, Ca.
In 15 knot winds and 3-5 foot seas my Mark I will motor directly upwind at 2.5-3 kts. I have the 25xp 23 hp motor. What kind of speed does the Mark II get under those conditions?
Ed S.
1988 mk I, # 845
Ventura, Ca.
Copyright © 2025, Catalina 36/375 International Association
Theme by Zymphonies
Probably about 4.5 to 5, depending on the nature of the seas. If the seas are steep enough to have it really pounding, then it would be down to 4.2 or so. Doesn't drop below 4 until wind is 25+ and seas are 5-6.
G. Jackson
Greg Jackson
SV Jacqui Marie
2004 C36, MKII
tall rig, wing keel,
Is the c-36 underpowered?
[quote=Tr182md;10086]Is the c-36 underpowered?[/quote]
Now you've done it! Why not just say your CQR is a better anchor than anything else?:D
That can be a touchy subject around here. The Mark IIs are certainly not underpowered. I'll now let the Mark I people have their way with you. Hopefully they'll be gentle.
Maybe thats why they install a 40Hp engine in the C375. In similiar situation, it will motor at 6knots.
Cat375 - Rock The Boat - Hull 54
Lake Macquarie - NSW - Australia
Maybe my GPS is off alittle, but at 2200 rpm i will get anywhere from 6.8 to 7.2 knots in flat water and slightly less in a chop. have a fixed standard prop (factory model). MKII
Mark Middleton
S/V Lunacy
SW Michigan
2002 C36 MK II TR WK M35B
I'm with you Mark, we have the same engine and I would have to say that my cruising speed hovers around 6.5 - 7.0. I think the size of engine is about perfect for our size of boats.
Glenn Druhot
Carpe Diem
New Bern, NC
35* 6' 10" N / 77* 2' 30" W
2001 C36, Hull #1965
Std Rig; Wing Keel; M35B
Year 2000 MKII, M35B Universal, Flat water, 2000 PRM, 2 blade Max Prop: 5.8 knots.
2000 MKII, deep keel, tall rig
Lake Champlain
[QUOTE=Tr182md;10086]Is the c-36 underpowered?[/QUOTE]
In my humble opinion the Mark I is significantly underpowered. Makes me hesitate to plan certain trips, like the Baja Bash from Cabo north. I like every thing else about the boat - it is roomy comfortable and sails well.
Ed S.
1988 mk I, # 845
Ventura, Ca.
Please keep in mind the original question was about motoring directly into head seas of 3-5 feet in 15 kt winds.
It has been a while since I had to do that, but my 1999 Mk II with a fixed 3-blade prop probably gets to barely 5+ kts in the smaller waves, but then you get those three big ones in a row that slow me to around 3+ kts for a bit until it builds back up. That is at a cruising speed near 2400 RPM.
I have found that sometimes it is better to raise the appropriate amount of sail and crack off to close-hauled with the engine running at a moderate power setting. The ride is better since the waves are quartering on the bow and the VMG upwind is about the same as slogging directly upwind with the iron Genny. You feel like you are sailing (at least motor-sailing), but you have to have room for the tacks.
As a general note, I have listened to many boaters' problems and I never heard one say, "my motor is too powerful."
Duane Ising - Past Commodore (2011-2012)
s/v Diva Di
1999 Catalina 36 Hull #1777
Std rig; wing keel, M35B, Delta (45#)
Punta Gorda, FL
[QUOTE=osprey;10080]In 15 knot winds and 3-5 foot seas my Mark I will motor directly upwind at 2.5-3 kts. I have the 25xp 23 hp motor. What kind of speed does the Mark II get under those conditions?[/QUOTE]
I dont bother even trying to motor in that situation, 2 blade folding prop,21 horsepower, just not gonna happen. Thats why I sail. And try and remember the undersized engine is just auxilary power.
Carl Wehe
1985 C36TM #443
Hillsboro Inlet,FL
I don't think I've ever seen less than 4 knots, even going directly up wind (25kts) into the Potomac from the Chesapeake with an opposing tide giving a 2-4 foot short, steep chop. For those not familiar with the Chesapeake, the mouth of the Potomac is likely the roughest part of the bay when wind opposes tide. Even when other parts of the bay are rather benign, the ride between Smith Point and Point Lookout can be quite rough. I did have to push the throttle up to keep up with the Tartan 372 we were traveling with, and watch the temps closely to maintain speed. My boat is a later MKI with the M35. The prop and bottom were less than perfectly clean at the time also.
Edited to add: I don't really consider my boat underpowered, but with the trend towards larger boats with both more waterline/large engines and larger engines even in same sized boats, I guess it is getting harder to keep up when you travel with others and have to motor.
Bill Boggs
s/v Palmetto Moon
1991 C36, Hull 1128
Herrington Harbor South
Chesapeake Bay
That is kind of slow. I would think 4 to 5 in those conditions. How clean is your bottom?
Hull No. 2058
...but I have heard them say, "My motor uses too much fuel." :-)
Ben Ethridge
Miami, FL
1984 MK1 Hull# 263