Fresh Water Filters

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Joined: 11/18/19
Posts: 14
Fresh Water Filters

Am working my way through my winter projects and my co-captain has asked me to consider adding a filter system to our drinking water system in the galley.

Catalina Direct offers a Pure Filter System with a dedicated faucet.  Has anyone used this and what do you think of it?  Is there a way to put a filter between the tanks and the existing faucet system?  If any of you have done it, what system do you recommend?

Army Sailor
Joined: 11/2/23
Posts: 34

Previous owner of my 2001 put a home depot filter system in right after the pressure pump so all my water is filtered.  I just go to home depot and get the right replacements when I want them. 

I also opened up all three tanks and cleaned them out very well.  Not easy but worth it.  I feel comfortable drinking from them now. 

Sojourn's picture
Joined: 7/14/08
Posts: 173

An alternative we do is:

  1. Filter the shore water going into the boat with an inline filter on the shore hose such as a Shurflo RV-210GH-KDF-A.  While at the docks we use our shore water connection for the daily dish cleaning and washing needs.  It is a good practice to shut off the shore water at the inlet site as a safety precaution while we sleep.  We can use our tank water at night if it is needed. 
  2. Use a Zero Water filter for the drinking water.  We use the second filtered water for drinking only.  We fill a 3 qt bottle every morning for coffee and water during the day, refilling as necessary.

A simple solution without any plumbing to do.  Clean the tanks is good idea.

Lou Bruska
1985 C-36 Mk-I TR #495
Eldean Shipyard
Lake Macatawa (Holland, MI) Lake Michigan

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