We are considering buying an older C36. (1985 vintage)
Is there a FAQ document that lists all the things I should be on the look out for. If not I would greatly appreciate a heads up on the likely issues that I will encounter. We are moving up from a Catalina 27 which we have had for more than ten years.
Mark Tamblyn
Hi Mark
Hi also have a MK! and have been pleased with the boat. She sails like a dream .
Remember that if you are really hard for the boat, I would recommend you getting a survey, this is very important, for you as a buyer.
The surveyor will go through every part of the boat, places you would not think of. The survey runs around $700 somtimes more. Mine was close to 750.00,
My survey took almost 6 hours, and whenall said and done he will tell you what the problem areas are if any.
Also if your boat is on the hard, and you can't load test the engine, make sure you get a engine escrow it is usually 10% of the value of the boat.
You don't want to purchase the boat, and when she is launched there is a problem with no recourse.
If she is in the water, talk to the owner, you will have to pay for the haul out, one way usaully.
Well I hope this helps,
Jeff Costa
S/V KAIROS Hull #0235
Hi Mark. We bought our '89 MKI in Nov. 2007. Great boat!!! Based on our survey and experience so far with the boat:
Definitely check the chain plates as noted AND LOOK all the way around the cushions! LIFT THEM ALL so you can see possible damage. It turns out this was one of the few items we missed at survey and there is a small area (repairable) on port side.
There was also damage on wood in the small locker in the head.
If your surveyor is worth his/her salt, they should DEFINITELY use a moisture meter to sound the deck and hull. This will tell you if you have serious moisture issues.
See if previous owner(s) kept good maintenance records. If THEY were worth their salt, they should have kept records to show oil changes, maintenance on engine, replacing halyards, etc.
We were fortunate to get a good boat at a good price.
Where are you located? Our broker has one or two C36's listed in the Chesapeake area. There is also a member on this list that may have one for sale, but I don't recall his location.
The C36 is a GREAT boat.Find a good one and you will never look back!
Laura Olsen
S/v Miramar
Baltimore MD
Laura Olsen
Past Commodore
S/V Miramar
hull 938 (MKI 1989, TR,WK, M25xp)
Edgemere, MD
Mark - Purchased my 1984 C36 in June of 08' from the original owner. I must agree with with other postings the survey is critical. I went through 3 before finding my Jersey Girl. It did take over 6 hours + the sea trial. Owners records were better than average. It was an "as is" purchase. It is a great boat and sails like a dream. Universal 25 was well maintained.
Hi Mark;
We also moved up from a C27, I remember your posts on the IC27A list. We bought a 1989 model and discovered a few areas that you may wish to check on. A moisture meter is a handy to tool to help determine the relative moisture content of the deck core. The areas we found moisture were around the main chainplates and the fore & aft lower chain plates. Also found moisture around the inside and outside hand rails on the cabin top. Also found moisture in the core at the port side dorade base. These areas required immediate action and some rot was found. We managed to remove the rotted core at the chain plates and fill with thickened epoxy.
The other area of immediate concern is the stantion bases. If they have never been removed and rebedded, there is a good possibility of moisture. We removed all of the stantions and oversized the holes and filled with epoxy and redrilled. I also bought stainless steel back up plates from Catalina Direct.
Check the engine mounts. We found the aft left mount badly worn and the two forward mount attachement bolts almost stripped. These are lag bolts that go into the engine beds. I will be replacing the engine mounts with Vetus K75 mounts and the bolts with 4" stainless steel hanger bolts and 3/8" stainless steel nyloc nuts.
Be careful of a boat that has had an engine upgrade. We looked at one 1985 C36 that had an M35B engine upgrade. The installation showed some deficencies that would become a real problem in future.
The basic construction is much like the C27, but the performance and room are much better! Good luck in your search.
Tom & Janis Grover
C36 #0949
Midland, ON
Thanks for the advice.
Water in the deck and rotting the bulkheads is the enemy. I know that from my past old boat experience. So job #1 is to rebed and check window seals, chainplates etc.
Mark Tamblyn
Hi Mark
Hope this is not too late, but your surveyor should pay close attention to the mast support. Ours was rotten and we had major repairs to do. I will be posting this on a forum or somewhere on this website shortly
S.V. Wind Star
Rob & Margie Kyles: Auckland ,New Zealand
Mk I Hull #105 1983 Std Rig, Std Keel
I am looking to purchase a used Catalina 36. I certainly appreciate the tips that I have read so far. I was intrigued to read about the chain plates and possible water damage if not taken care of over the years. I will, indeed, be hiring a competent surveyor and will be right by his side as he goes through this boat.
Thank you for your tips so far and look forward to more if you can think of any.
Glenn Druhot
Glenn Druhot
Carpe Diem
New Bern, NC
35* 6' 10" N / 77* 2' 30" W
2001 C36, Hull #1965
Std Rig; Wing Keel; M35B
The C36 is a great boat. You'll enjoy many moments and memories from your time aboard. Weigh the +/- and then do what's right in your mind. The more you micro-analyze your decision, the farther it will drift away...your loss....JMMO
Serenity NOW #1871
2000 35BC
[QUOTE=Drummer;920]I am looking to purchase a used Catalina 36. I certainly appreciate the tips that I have read so far. I was intrigued to read about the chain plates and possible water damage if not taken care of over the years. I will, indeed, be hiring a competent surveyor and will be right by his side as he goes through this boat.
Thank you for your tips so far and look forward to more if you can think of any.
Glenn Druhot[/QUOTE]
We have bought two different boats. The surveyor for the first boat was not competent, or at least he was extremely rushed and didn't do his job right. I ws with the second surveyor, who seemed to live up to his reputation for thoroughness. Nevertheless, he missed one or two things.
My point is this: In the past, I figured that since the surveyor knew more than I do, I could just rely on him. Now, while I'd never buy a sailboat of any significant cost without getting it surveyed, I also learned not to rely totally on the surveyor. If I ever get another boat, I'm going to look in every nook and cranny, etc. etc.
SF Bay
1998 C36