About six years ago i owned a Catalina SS 38 and found much help on the c36ia.org site? This site has much information but little activity on the forums page?
Is this the same site with a .com?
There is quite a bit of traffic on the email list. Go to the association tab and select List server to join. Or, click here: [url]http://www.c36ia.com/node/19[/url] to sign up. This is where a lot of discussion takes place. The list also has an archive function where you can see previous emails. However, we just switched providers and our archive is not very extensive at this time.
I hope this helps
Still a Thrill # 765
Lake Texoma, TX
Having a viable and active forum like the c34 site would be much better in my humble opinion.
I did not know this email list was available but, I am confused as to why people would use it. It looks to be a forum off the forum, why post this info in two places? WD40 (does he have 39 brothers and sisters) felt the C34 group was more active and viable. Maybe ours lacks vitalilty since we are conversing in two different groups.
Cepheus dream
C36 MK I # 825
MK I Tech Editor No Mas
The reason I choose to not participate in the email list is because I don't want endless emails adding to my already cluttered Inbox. The forum is much more accessable, more efficient, as I can choose what I spend my time on.
By the way, WD, that's a great photo. Actually both are great...the one of you and the one of the boat.
My admiral and I have talked about how we would someday like to have our boat in some color other than Amana White. I recall my younger years (back in the '1970s) as a Beechcraft airplane salesman, during which tenure Beechcraft pioneered the painting of airplanes in other colors (Castle Tan, etc.). Their then-leader of their styling department hated "Amana White", and successfully led Olive Ann Beech's personal and corporate airplanes out of the great white tundra in which they were frozen. I still recall fondly the first lovely non-Amana-white Bonanza I ever flew. On my way to some airshow in Kansas, in bluejeans and cowboy boots, I was so proud; how could anyone NOT buy this airplane, I thought. Your's is the second painted hull C36 that I know of. Look back through the archived photos and you'll find another.
Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B
I'm not sure why we have both, but it could be from the old Sailnet days when there was a C36 email list that was very popular. For me, the email list gives almost immediate feedback and with hand-held devices, the email list is more convenient. I see the same people posting here on the forum and on the email list.
The forum has the advantage of me not having to save to save good information and the forum is searchable.
I think if we eliminated either one, we would have a mutiny on our hands.
Just my thoughts,
Still a Thrill # 765
Lake Texoma, TX
Well I tried the c36ia.org, it may work for some but, this morning it took me almost as much time to delete the c36ia emails as it took to delete all the messages from those generous folks in Africa and England that are always wanting to share there millions with me.
I unsubcribed and will stick to the forum here. I already waste more time than I should at this site but it is volutary unlike the emails that you must review and delete.
Cepheus dream
C36 MK I # 825
MK I Tech Editor No Mas
Since you asked...
Several years ago I used to visit the forum only occasionally, but being subscribed to the email list serve I got more than enough 'stuff' crossing my screen every day. Much of it was good and much of it was banter which I was not interested in.
For a few years now, my Comcast ISP won't let the emails through and I have grown to like that. I am sure I am missing things, but I like the better organization and searchability of the forum.
If most of the email traffic were shifted here, I am sure we would see a lot of thread hijacking, off-topic discussions, and degraded organization, but might benefit from having a more complete information spectrum.
I agree that corraling everyone to one medium or the other would prove difficult.
Duane Ising - Past Commodore (2011-2012)
s/v Diva Di
1999 Catalina 36 Hull #1777
Std rig; wing keel, M35B, Delta (45#)
Punta Gorda, FL
Great photo, Duane. But where's Clyde???
Larry Brandt
S/V High Flight #2109
Pacific Northwest, PDX-based
2002 C-36 mkII SR/FK M35B
LOL. Thanks, Larry.
Our cat, Clyde, did not join us until after this photo was taken (which was the spring 2005 renaming ceremony).
Duane Ising - Past Commodore (2011-2012)
s/v Diva Di
1999 Catalina 36 Hull #1777
Std rig; wing keel, M35B, Delta (45#)
Punta Gorda, FL
I agree that a bulletin board type forum like Sailnet is more appealing to me than an e-mail list. Especially one where there is little to no effort to keep the mail on topic. Bulletin boards allow that type of discussion to occur in forums where others can choose to participate or not. That's preferable to having your mailbox crammed with material you're not interested in.
Also there have been ongoing problems with the e-mail list which I have become a victim and my mailbox has been devoid of C36 traffic. I stopped getting messages a week or more ago but am just now getting around to contacting someone to look into it for me. A bulletin board avoids lots of issues like this.
Bill Boggs
s/v Palmetto Moon
1991 C36, Hull 1128
Herrington Harbor South
Chesapeake Bay
I agree that having both forums and a mailing list is redundant. Personally, I prefer forums, but many members (and non-members) prefer the mailing list. That's why we maintain both. It doesn't cost the association anything to offer both mechanisms, so there has never been a compelling reason to choose one over the other.
Remember that even if you don't subscribe to the mailing list, you can browse through the archives here: [url]http://c36ia.com/pipermail/c36list/[/url]. A lot of great information goes across the list. We only have a month's worth of history because I had to move our site to a new host, but every message from the list going forward is saved here.
Alex Lynch