I'm new to a 2002 C36 MKII and need info on the power wiring for the refrig/freezer. Does it only run off the battery? Any way to connect to the 120 Vac when at the dock (with a power converter?) Anybody set it up that way? Seems a waist to run off the battery when at the dock.
Yes, it needs 12vdc to run. When you are at the dock, plug in the shore power. The chargers will provide all the current needed to run the freezer.
Sail La Vie 1999 Catalina 36 MKII, M35B-17031, Coyote Point, San Mateo, CA
About Sail La Vie
Any problem with the charger overcharging the batteries if left on for a long time (like a week or longer)? Should I run just Battery #2? It looks like the charger has two outputs, one each connected to each battery. They are both being charged when charger is on.
The charger detects when the battery is fully charged and will automatically reduce its charging current. There is no problem with leaving the power cord plugged in while docked. You will find that everyone else is also plugged in.
Sail La Vie 1999 Catalina 36 MKII, M35B-17031, Coyote Point, San Mateo, CA
About Sail La Vie