Hatch Leak in Head

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Joined: 9/27/09
Posts: 591
Hatch Leak in Head

I had a leak in the hatch in the head. So far I have:
1. Sealed the base of the mast with Flex Seal
2. Removed and re-bedded the hatch in the head and the main hatch behind the mast
3. Loosened and re-bedded the bolts that secure the main sheet blocks on the cabin top behind the mast
4. Loosened and re-bedded the bolt thru the cabin top behind the mast  that holds the turnbuckle that attaches to the        cabin ceiling to the mast

I'm still getting a small drip from the hatch. I can't see where the water could be coming in. The head hatch is on the port side and everything I've re-bedded has been on the top of the cabin or the port side. I can't imagine water coming in thru the hatch on the starboard side  draining up and over the cabin top.

Getting very frustrated.... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Chuck Parker
HelenRita 2072 Mk II
2002 Tall Rig - Winged Keel
Atlantic Highlands, NJ

dlincoln3's picture
Joined: 4/24/16
Posts: 144

What about the lens caulk itself?  Or the handle?  Sometimes that o-ring under the hatch handle backer piece that sits on top of the lens gets a little crusty and starts leaking.

Don Lincoln
"Nancy Lynn"
1993 Catalina MK1.5, Hull 1238
LaSalle, MI (Lake Erie)
Universal M-35AC

Joined: 9/27/09
Posts: 591

Thanks... I'll check that but the water dribble mark I get is off the forward, outboard side the hatch and seems to come from under the plastic cover that covers the edge of the ceiling itself and where the hatch edge comes down into the hatch opening.

Chuck Parker
HelenRita 2072 Mk II
2002 Tall Rig - Winged Keel
Atlantic Highlands, NJ

dlincoln3's picture
Joined: 4/24/16
Posts: 144

Have you taken that plastic ring off to see if you can see a leak path?  Maybe there just wasn't enough caulk when you rebed it.  I had to rebed mine multiple times to get it sealed (twice for the head hatch and 3 times for the v-berth one - so frustrating).  Just me being cheap with the caulk initially.  I finally used nearly 2 entire tubes on them and just let it goob out all over and then cleaned up the excess.

Don Lincoln
"Nancy Lynn"
1993 Catalina MK1.5, Hull 1238
LaSalle, MI (Lake Erie)
Universal M-35AC

Joined: 8/31/21
Posts: 42

You might also look at how fresh the sealant is around your chain plates.  Before we bought our current boat, we looked at one that ended up having significant rot in the bulkhead between the head and salon.  No evident leaks on either side, but substantial water damage from where the chain plate entered the deck.

Joined: 9/27/09
Posts: 591

Thanks... I'll check but that would mean the water would have to run UP the side of the of the cabin. I'm getting a drip, not just wetness... I'm not sure that flows logically.

Chuck Parker
HelenRita 2072 Mk II
2002 Tall Rig - Winged Keel
Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Joined: 8/31/21
Posts: 42

I just walked over to the boat to look at what you are dealing with.  My point was to evaluate water intrusion between the cabin top and the liner...easier said than done for a drip.  You are correct that the chain plate is not the likely point of intrusion unless the whole area in the bulkhead is bogged up.  

Joined: 9/27/09
Posts: 591

I had the whole plastic liner out when I resealed the hatch and couldn't see any obvious water path. 

It's spring in New Jersey so the temps were around 18 degrees this AM. When (if) it warms up and they turn the water on in the harbor I guess I'll try flooding each section/hatch, one at a time, and see if I can find the leak that way.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Chuck Parker
HelenRita 2072 Mk II
2002 Tall Rig - Winged Keel
Atlantic Highlands, NJ

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