Genoa track installation question

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Ray Taylor
Joined: 9/11/19
Posts: 81
Genoa track installation question

Our normal headsail for our tall mast is a high cutt 95% roller furler and even at the furthest foreword pin hole the fare lead is too far back.     To solve this I’m going to extend the Genoa track foreword 12” to 14” (although I only need about 4” to 6”).   

There is plenty of space to do the job and Jerry Douglas from Catalina was kind enough to review the job and offer suggestions. 

The original track sits on a molded in flat spot on the side deck.   The new track will extend over the molded in non slip.     

The current plan is to just extend the track over the non slip and bed either with Butyl or Silkaflex.     Although it’s more work and mess I could mill the gelcoat texture flat and seal the area under the track with epoxy.

Any thoughts on this.   Will installing the track over the molded in gelcoat lead to leaks or other issues?




Ray & Janice Taylor
Hood River, Ore.
#2113 2002 TM