I have been looking for video or pictures of other people having rebed their chain plate covers using the butyl tape. I have tried the search feature but only come up with links that don't seem to go anywhere. What am I missing? Can someone point me to a technical article with photos or preferably a video of what a chain plate cover should look like during and after having been rebed with butyl tape? I would like to see how the more experienced among us do it before I show any pictures of how mine looks. :-) I would add that I am using the old style of chain plate cover.
Indigo, 1995 MKII, Charleston SC, SR/WK
As a follow up let me say that after finally figuring out how to search tech articles, I am more confused than before. First of all I see just one tech article on rebedding chainpates? That was unexpected as this sames to be one of the prevailing challenges of these boats. But I digress. My confusion comes from reading the one tech article and learning that Boatlife caulk is the recommended cure in that article. My reading of the open forum threads led me to believe (and I have experience with) butyl tape was the way to go. Can someone clarify? What is the recommended caulk for rebedding chainplate covers? Or am I opening a pandora box discussion? I would add that after bedding the port side cover today and not being crazy about the result using the old style convers, I am now awaiting a set of the updated covers. My preference would be to use the butyl because I have had great success with it on previous projects but I am not confident that the old style covers provide sufficient ooze.
Indigo, 1995 MKII, Charleston SC, SR/WK
Life Caulk (polysulfide) was the old way to calk chain plates. This method would only last a few years. Butyl tape is better as it lasts longer. Mainesail, who posts here occasionally, sells a good buytl tape for this purpose.
Ron St. Onge
C36 MKII Hull 1384
Ron St. Onge
1995 Catalina 36 MKII Hull 1384
Try this article. This is the 'butyl' that Mainesail sells, I've used it to re-bed all my covers. I bought those up graded covers but to be honest with you I dont like them so much. I replaced 1 and then just stuck with the original flat ones. Maybe in the future when I drop the rig at some point I'll use the new ones but for now I'm fine with the originals.
Heres the link to the write up on using the 'bed-it' tape that mainesail sells. You may have to copy and paste it in your browser.
David Lane
S/V Grace
88' Catalina 36'
Oxnard, Ca
Thanks folks. I had seen the mainsail article a few years ago but it was helpful to review again. I love butyl tape and use it whenever sealing anything on boat or rv. I was hoping to see someone do an actual chainplate cover on the C36. I have the upgraded covers on the way and will take my best shot at it when they arrive. In the meantime if anyone has a picture of how they should look when the job is done I would welcome seeing that. Thanks!
Indigo, 1995 MKII, Charleston SC, SR/WK
So I got my upgraded covers yesterday. And can I whine a bit? Why did I have to pay $45 for parts that should have been provided free by Catalina to anyone who requests. I mean the leaking orig covers are a major known issue that has plagued these boats for years and if let go can actually cause major damage to the boats. It would seem to me that as good a builder as Catalina would have years ago established a program to provide these free to any owner requesting. It has nothing to do with my being able to afford. Anyone who has purchased a larger Catalina has already demonstrated a certain level of financial capacity. I am very pleased otherwise with my C36. And my initial interaction with the company has been positive. I will install these myself. No big deal but it just grates a bit that so well known a solution to a very significant design issue that has such a low cost associated, is something I have to pay for. OK I feel better now :-)
Indigo, 1995 MKII, Charleston SC, SR/WK
Let us know how that goes putting the new ones on. One thing I didn't like was the 'extended' flange that goes vertically, its hard to fill that thing up with butyl tape, which is what I understand is suppose to be done, that was the part I didn't like so much. 1st. world problem.....
David Lane
S/V Grace
88' Catalina 36'
Oxnard, Ca
It was actually a pretty straight forward process once I got past a frozen turnbuckle. :-) Pulled everything apart and cleaned old caulk away before putting down butyl tape and resealing. As far as filling that collar I put sufficient tape below the cover to get ooze about half way up the collar from below. Then after getting everything screwed down I added some butyl from above being careful to finish with a bit of a sloping angle for runoff instead of a dip for pooling.
Indigo, 1995 MKII, Charleston SC, SR/WK