Wanted: old style yellow plastic interior lamp enclosures

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KevinLenard's picture
Joined: 1/28/15
Posts: 221
Wanted: old style yellow plastic interior lamp enclosures

I managed to crack one recently, but all the others are still intact and are now outfitted with new LED bulbs, so I'd like to find a replacement for the broken one.  Has anyone upgraded and kept the intact old ones?  I'm attaching a photo.

I'll pay for packing and postage!  Also will trade offering the six inch O-rings for the emergency tiller port seal.  

Best, Kevin
1991 Tall rig, fin keel, #1120
Toronto, Canada

Kevin Lenard
'91 C-36 Mk. "1.5" Tall Rig, Fin Keel, Hull #1120, Universal M-35 original (not "A" or "B")
CBYC, Scarborough, Lake Ontario, Canada

Catboat Willy's picture
Catboat Willy
Joined: 12/22/14
Posts: 387

Are we talking about the metal gold colored reading lamps ?? I might have one or two. I don't understand about plastic ?
Bill Hull #1041

Bill Dolan 1990 Catalina C-36 MKI - Hull #1041  'Williwaw'
Std. Rig, Walk Through, Wing Keel
M35, Oberdorfer Conversion,
Home Waters; Charlotte  Harbor & The Gulf Islands of Florida
'You are never out of work if you own a boat'


Catboat Willy's picture
Catboat Willy
Joined: 12/22/14
Posts: 387

Yes, I see the difference. My boat was built in December of 1990 and uses a different light fixture of which I still have a few.  I think I have two extras that you are welcome to....... I've gone all LED . The older metal ones , original to the boat, are shown in the attached a picture. Sorry, thought I could help ya here.

Bill Dolan 1990 Catalina C-36 MKI - Hull #1041  'Williwaw'
Std. Rig, Walk Through, Wing Keel
M35, Oberdorfer Conversion,
Home Waters; Charlotte  Harbor & The Gulf Islands of Florida
'You are never out of work if you own a boat'


Paul Revere
Joined: 3/30/19
Posts: 36

You have inadvertently showed me where that extra cusion went, Never would of thought it as a backrest for when the game table is collapsed.

KevinLenard's picture
Joined: 1/28/15
Posts: 221

Thanks Bill, but I wanted to stick with the yellow plastic fixtures throughout and I have replaced all the old incandescent bulbs with LED's, so I don't really need to upgrade.
Best, Kevin

Kevin Lenard
'91 C-36 Mk. "1.5" Tall Rig, Fin Keel, Hull #1120, Universal M-35 original (not "A" or "B")
CBYC, Scarborough, Lake Ontario, Canada

Chachere's picture
Joined: 10/27/10
Posts: 826

I might have one that I'm not using.   Will try to remember to take a picture next time I'm on the boat.

Matthew Chachère
s/v ¡Que Chévere!
(Formerly 1985 C36 MKI #466 tall rig fin keel M25)
2006 Catalina Morgan 440 #30.
Homeported in eastern Long Island, NY

2sailaway's picture
Joined: 7/24/09
Posts: 49

I have the exact once you have in a box in the garage, let me know if you are still looking for them.


Larry Robcke
MKl Tech Editor S/V  L' Amante #319, 1984 C36
Sailing Long Island sound and the Hudson River

KevinLenard's picture
Joined: 1/28/15
Posts: 221

Paul, indeed that is where that cushion properly must go!  We've been using it as a headrest for the port side of the large berth we made in the aft cabin, but this must be the original spot.  Too funny!

Kevin Lenard
'91 C-36 Mk. "1.5" Tall Rig, Fin Keel, Hull #1120, Universal M-35 original (not "A" or "B")
CBYC, Scarborough, Lake Ontario, Canada

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